Common Feng Shui taboos in the home

Common Feng Shui taboos in the home

I believe everyone is quite clear about one thing, that is, in Feng Shui, many Feng Shui in the home are usually closely related to some fortunes. Therefore, many people need to pay great attention. So what are the common Feng Shui taboos in the home? Let's take a look with us below.

Irregular houses are not suitable for bedrooms. Irregular rooms cannot be used as the master bedroom of couples, otherwise it will lead to the consequence of infertility after a long marriage. In fact, when we choose a house, we always say that the house should be square, that is, to avoid the influence of this kind of missing corner and irregular house on fortune. Everyone must pay attention when choosing a house, the squareness of the house is very important.

The bedroom is bright, and the body and mind are tired. The color of the bedroom should be plain and warm. It should not be too bright, nor should it be decorated with a dazzling array of things, excessive luxury, and glittering decorations are especially inappropriate. Psychologically speaking, bright colors will make people excited, so it is better to use plain and warm colors in the bedroom.

Seeing a vase at the door will affect the relationship between husband and wife. From the perspective of Feng Shui, seeing a vase when opening the door is an opportunity in the Feng Shui pattern. But this is exactly where many home furnishings are most likely to make mistakes. People think that placing a vase directly opposite the door will make it look more elegant and refined. In fact, from the perspective of home feng shui, it will affect the relationship between husband and wife and their luck in love. For example, it is easy to have a third party in a marriage, such as an unmarried man or woman, and the lack of love is sometimes related to these.

"Water and fire" are adjacent to each other. The faucet and stove in the kitchen should not be adjacent to each other or opposite each other, because the faucet is responsible for water and the stove is responsible for fire. "Water and fire are mutually exclusive." If these two are adjacent or directly opposite, it will cause verbal disputes among family members in the long run, and the couple will be at odds, affecting their mood and health, and their wealth will also be unstable. Therefore, when decorating, you should pay special attention to the location of the stove and the sink. If necessary, you need to move the stove. It is best to have a vertical angle between the two and a distance of more than one hand.

Mirrors in the bedroom Placing mirrors in the bedroom is a taboo in Feng Shui. We all know that mirrors have reflective functions and can gather negative energy. If the bed is facing a large mirror or there are large dressing mirrors on both sides of the bed, it will make people sleep uneasily, leading to insomnia and nightmares. Therefore, when arranging furniture, you should pay attention to whether it is a dressing mirror or a mirror on the dressing table, as well as objects that can emit light such as TVs and wardrobe reflective doors. It is best to avoid directly facing the bed, or not appear in the bedroom at all.

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